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Where there is greed, self-actualization cannot thrive.\\n\\n It can be difficult to know where to begin.\\n\\n It is in ennobling that we are recreated. The quantum cycle is approaching a tipping point. We must empower ourselves and heal others. \\n\\n Without starfire, one cannot self-actualize. You must take a stand against selfishness. You may be ruled by yearning without realizing it. Do not let it sabotage the healing of your myth. \\n\\n Only a Indigo Child of the stratosphere may engender this uprising of manna. We can no longer afford to live with selfishness. Bondage is born in the gap where serenity has been excluded.',\n days: [\n {\n date: '2022/5/16',\n entries: [\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/16 15:00',\n endTime: '2022/5/16 15:30',\n\n header: 'Opening Keynote',\n subheader: 'Keynote',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText: '',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Kunal Kapoor',\n role: 'CEO',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n 'Kunal Kapoor, CFA, is chief executive officer of Morningstar. Before assuming his current role in 2017, he served as president, responsible for product development and innovation, sales and marketing, and driving strategic prioritization across the firm.\\n\\nSince joining Morningstar in 1997 as a data analyst, Kapoor has held a variety of roles at the firm, including leadership positions in research and innovation. He served as director of mutual fund research and was part of the team that launched Morningstar Investment Services, Inc., before moving on to other roles including director of business strategy for international operations, and later, president and chief investment officer of Morningstar Investment Services. During his tenure, he has also led Morningstar.com® and the firm’s data business as well as its global products and client solutions group.\\n\\nKapoor holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and environmental policy from Monmouth College and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation, is a member of the CFA Society of Chicago, and served on the board of PitchBook, a private firm that provides a comprehensive private equity and venture capital database, prior to its acquisition by Morningstar in late 2016. Kapoor is also a member of the board of trustees of The Nature Conservancy in Illinois. In 2010, Crain’s Chicago Business named him to its annual 40 Under 40 class, a list that includes professionals from a variety of industries who are contributing to Chicago’s business, civic, and philanthropic landscape.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/5e05d62ddb6b4ed4bc67b2f03af1d4e7!_!6a25254fd81cdcfd6c20ea0aea31a3e0.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n\n sponsors: [\n {\n name: 'Aristotle',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n imageLink: '/images/sponsors/aristotle.png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/16 15:30',\n endTime: '2022/5/16 16:30',\n\n header: 'The World Is Their Oyster',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Two of the industry’s foremost allocators will discuss their outlook for stocks, bonds, currencies, and more. Both Kate Moore and David Giroux manage portfolios that can invest across assets and geographies, but each approaches their mandates with processes that reflect their own and their firm’s strengths. Moore invests from a top-down macro lens, while Giroux finds opportunities with a fundamental, bottom-up approach. The panel members will discuss where they see opportunities as well as risks they’re monitoring over the coming months and quarters.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'David Giroux',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'T. Rowe Price',\n about:\n \"David Giroux is a portfolio manager in the U.S. Equity Division. He manages the Capital Appreciation Strategy, including the Capital Appreciation Fund. He also is head of Investment Strategy and chief investment officer for T. Rowe Price Investment Management (TRPIM).\\n\\nHe is a member of the TRPIM Investment Steering and TRPIM ESG Committees. David is a five-time nominee and two-time winner of Morningstar's Fund Manager of the Year award1 in the allocation category. David's fund also has won 17 Best Fund awards2 from Lipper. He is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Investment Management, Inc.\\nDavid's investment experience began in 1998 when he joined T. Rowe Price, beginning as a research analyst in the T. Rowe Price Associates U.S. Equity Division. He had analytical responsibility for the firm's investments in the industrials, building products, and automotive sectors until 2006.\\n\\nDavid earned a B.A., magna cum laude, in finance and political economy from Hillsdale College. He also has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.\\n\\nCFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/dffe34c209ca4327bc66f949f311bf12!_!bcd0297e29a7ed02fdb925e0f09f9873.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Bobby Blue',\n role: 'Senior Manager Research Analyst',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Bobby Blue is a senior manager research analyst for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. He covers multi-asset and alternative fund strategies, including real asset strategies, liquid alternatives, and other allocation strategies.\\n\\nBefore assuming his current role in 2018, Blue was a senior data research analyst on the portfolio analytics and acquisition team at Morningstar, where he worked to develop new data points by incorporating advanced derivatives into Morningstar analytics. \\n\\nBlue holds a bachelor’s degree in business economics from the University of Cincinnati’s Lindner College of Business.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/15f13fdeddf1493687e59b9ede0cc723!_!3d011068affd9350b54c547841840aba.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Kate Moore',\n role: 'Managing Director & Head of Thematic Strategy',\n company: 'BlackRock',\n about: '',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/443542a705f244689d9ed4886101a169!_!0f024a4fe340d83f0b1541308e49b017.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/16 16:40',\n endTime: '2022/5/16 17:40',\n\n header: 'Raghuram Rajan',\n subheader: 'Keynote',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Dr. Raghuram Rajan, the former governor of the Reserve Bank of India and the chief economist and director of research at the International Monetary Fund, is currently a professor of finance at the University of Chicago, where he specializes in banking, corporate finance, and economic development, and the role finance plays in it. His recent work has focused on the often-overlooked role that communities play in creating thriving economies and societies. In this talk, he will address these topics as well as the overarching economic issues of our time: inflation, interest rates, and the changing nature of work.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Dr. Raghuram Rajan',\n role: 'Governor, Reserve Bank of India (2013–2016) Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School',\n company: 'University of Chicago Booth School of Business',\n about:\n 'Dr. Raghuram Rajan is a distinguished service professor of finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He was the 23rd governor of the Reserve Bank of India from September 2013 to September 2016. Between 2003 and 2006, Dr. Rajan was the chief economist and director of research at the International Monetary Fund.\\n\\nDr. Rajan’s research interests are in banking, corporate finance and economic development, especially the role finance plays in it. He co-authored Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists with Luigi Zingales in 2003. He then wrote Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy, for which he was awarded the Financial Times-Goldman Sachs prize for “Business Book of the Year” in 2010. Other books he has written include The Third Pillar: How the State and Markets are leaving Communities Behind (2019) and I do What I do: On Reform, Rhetoric, and Resolve (2017). \\n\\nDr. Rajan is a member of the Group of Thirty and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was the president of the American Finance Association that in January 2003, awarded Dr. Rajan the inaugural Fischer Black Prize for the best finance researcher under the age of 40. Other awards he has received include the global Indian of the year award from NASSCOM in 2011, the Infosys prize for the Economic Sciences in 2012, the Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics in 2013, the 2014 Euromoney Central Banker of the Year and The Banker magazine’s 2016 Central Banker of the Year.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/b10f29df8a6a486d8da896a2e3a8b32e!_!3b510689450b8e8bb3b23f4b037e1ba8.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n sponsors: [\n {\n name: 'BlackRock',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n imageLink: '/images/sponsors/blackRock.png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Fidelity',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n imageLink: '/images/sponsors/fidelity.png',\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n date: '2022/5/17',\n entries: [\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 08:00',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 09:00',\n\n header: 'Insights Into Net-Zero Carbon Goals for Investors',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'An increasing number of companies have made science-based, long-dated, and ambitious commitments to substantially reduce their carbon footprint by 2050. But it’s critical to understand the economic benefit for shareholders from these promises, not just the societal benefit for stakeholders. And there are outstanding questions related to the accountability for, feasibility of, and measurement of these goals. Join members of our equity research team who will discuss the outlook and ramifications of net-zero commitments for companies across the value chain.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Adam Fleck',\n role: 'Director of Equity Research, ESG',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n \"Adam Fleck is the director of equity research, ESG for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. He leads Morningstar's environmental, social, and governance equity research efforts, including collaboration with Sustainalytics, along with a team of analysts in Chicago and Amsterdam. Before assuming his current role, Fleck was Morningstar's regional director of equity research in Australia and New Zealand and director of North American consumer equity research. He joined Morningstar in 2006. Fleck holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Notre Dame, where he graduated cum laude. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/be28173a700840b0987dc675745b8a92!_!e7b11e59b12234be688c447b6701aeed.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Erin Lash',\n role: 'Director, Consumer Equity Research',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Erin Lash, CFA, is director of consumer sector equity research for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. In addition to leading the sector team, Lash covers packaged food and household and personal care companies. \\nBefore joining Morningstar in 2006, she spent four years as an investment analyst covering retail, transportation, and technology firms for State Farm Insurance. \\n\\nLash holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from Bradley University and a master’s degree in business administration, with concentrations in accounting and finance, from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. She ranked second in the food and tobacco industry in The Wall Street Journal’s annual “Best on the Street” analysts survey in 2013, the last year the survey was conducted.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/1d5fbd3507574ac7bd40e2b0e3333531!_!6d4fe2d0435c91dd63cdaff672d5c542.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Travis Miller',\n role: 'Equity Strategist',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Travis Miller is an equity strategist covering the energy and utilities sectors for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. Before joining Morningstar in 2007, he was a reporter for several Chicago-area newspapers, including the Daily Herald in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Miller holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, with concentrations in accounting and finance.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a7b820dcc8ef49789ed7c6c95347af5e!_!e3b7646de36b532a8e61a26706422288.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Alex Osborne-Saponja',\n role: 'Associate Director of Methodology & Product Architecture, Climate Solutions',\n company: 'Sustainalytics',\n about:\n 'Alex joined Sustainalytics in October 2019 as a carbon subject matter expert. She previously led on carbon research, analysis and thought leadership within the Research Team, before joining the Climate Solutions Team, focused on developing the methodology for new climate focused products. Alex has 15 years working in the carbon and climate space, before joining Sustainalytics, she worked in academic research and then as a consultant for 11 years, eventually heading up a sustainability consulting unit in the UK, focusing on developing strong sustainability strategies for a range of clients, focusing on maximizing opportunities presented by carbon and climate risk. \\n\\nAlex has worked with Government, NGOs and corporates, delivering projects ranging from carbon policy and strategy, compliance, reporting, foot printing and modelling, reduction and mitigation plans, nature-based carbon solutions, climate modelling and development of regional carbon markets. She is a Practitioner member of the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment, and has contributed towards the post-Brexit environmental bill, UK Government Natural Capital Strategy, and BSi guidance and standards. Before relocating to Canada, she acted as advisor to HM Government on carbon strategy. \\n\\nAlex has an academic background in environmental biology and environmental modelling and is an alumnus of the University of Nottingham and the Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership.',\n imageLink: '',\n },\n {\n name: 'Nadja Dreff',\n role: 'SVP, Insurance',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n 'Nadja Dreff is the Senior Vice President within the Global Financial Institutions Group of DBRS Morningstar, focusing on insurance companies. Nadja joined DBRS Morningstar in 2021, bringing more than a decade of experience working with the property & casualty insurance industry and government stakeholders on a broad range of financial policy issues. Prior to joining IBC, Nadja held increasingly more senior roles as a financial market analyst and economist at the Bank of Canada in Ottawa and Toronto. Nadja received her Masters of Arts degree in Economics from Carleton University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder.',\n imageLink: '',\n },\n ],\n sponsors: [\n {\n name: 'Pacific Funds',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n imageLink: '/images/sponsors/pacificFunds.png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Artisan Partners',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n imageLink: '/images/sponsors/artisanPartners.png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 09:10',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 10:00',\n\n header: \"Software Has Eaten the World. What's Next?\",\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Equities Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'More than 10 years ago, Netscape founder and venture capitalist Marc Andreessen identified compelling investments by asking, “Why is software eating the world?” The question now is, What’s next? Is it artificial intelligence? The metaverse? Blockchain? Where are the opportunities, and what are the risks? In this session, we will explore these themes with three prominent equity portfolio managers.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Mark Casey',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Capital International Investors',\n about: '',\n imageLink: '',\n },\n {\n name: 'Alec Lucas',\n role: 'Strategist, Manager Research',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Alec Lucas is a strategist within manager research for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. He covers equity strategies from asset managers such as American Funds, Vanguard, and Hartford. He is also the lead analyst on Vanguard, among other firms.\\n\\nBefore joining Morningstar in 2013, Lucas worked as a minister as well as a professor for Loyola University Chicago, among other institutions. From 2010 to 2011, he was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Heidelberg.\\n\\nLucas holds bachelors’ degrees in philosophy and classics from the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he graduated summa cum laude and with departmental honors, and a Master of Divinity, summa cum laude, from Trinity International University. He also holds a doctorate in theology, with distinction, from Loyola University Chicago and has published several articles and one book within that field.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/31d09031f94f47a5bdc2c1e4304b2d55!_!84f74ad0f0372e7571f954c41a448d17.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'David Palmer',\n role: 'Senior Managing Director, Partner, & Equity Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Wellington Management Company LLP',\n about:\n 'Dave is an equity portfolio manager and leader of the firm’s Opportunistic Value Team. Drawing on research from Wellington Management’s global industry analysts, equity portfolio managers, and team analysts, he manages the Opportunistic Value, Global Opportunistic Value, and International Opportunistic Value approaches. He works in our Radnor, Pennsylvania office.\\n\\nPrior to joining Wellington Management in 1998, David worked in equity sales, trading, and research at Cantor Fitzgerald, Ltd. in London (1993 – 1996). \\n\\nDavid earned his MBA in finance, with distinction, from the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton, 1998) and his BA in English, with distinction, from Stanford University (1993). He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/4c6134291515480591cf6dc62da4ca09!_!cc170fd1eceb4e0bc73292c8a9651072.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Christopher Lin',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Fidelity Investments',\n about:\n 'Chris Lin is a portfolio manager in the Equity division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and other financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals. In this role, Mr. Lin is manager of the Fidelity OTC Portfolio and the Fidelity OTC Commingled Pool. Prior to assuming his current responsibilities, Mr. Lin served as a research analyst responsible for the coverage of large cap internet stocks. He also previously managed Fidelity Select Computers Portfolio and co-managed Fidelity Select Semiconductors Portfolio, Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund, and Fidelity Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund. He also served as a research analyst and as a research associate covering biotechnology and other health care stocks. He has been in the financial industry since joining Fidelity in 2002. Mr. Lin earned his bachelor of arts degree, with honors, in economics from Harvard University.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/1cda2fffb3304344b74be1a8f938f28f!_!8da0ea8f2323d0de219e896a1a0a1e10.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n sponsors: [\n {\n name: 'Avantis Investors',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n imageLink: '/images/sponsors/avantisInvestors.png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Fidelity',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n imageLink: '/images/sponsors/fidelity.png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 11:00',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 11:50',\n\n header: 'Investing in the Energy Transition',\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Fixed-Income Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n \"Climate change has dominated the sustainable-investing movement in recent years, but climate-focused investing isn't one-size-fits-all. In this session, we compare three managers' distinct approaches to investing in the climate transition: Pax Global Environmental Markets is a 5-globe equity fund that earns the Morningstar Low Carbon Designation; GMO Climate Change holds overweightings in utility and energy stocks and earns 1 globe; and TIAA-CREF Green Bond focuses on driving positive impact in the fixed-income space. Learn the differences among these various strategies during this discussion.\",\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Alyssa Stankiewicz',\n role: 'Sustainability Analyst, Morningstar Manager Research',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Alyssa Stankiewicz is a sustainability analyst for Morningstar Manager Research (Morningstar Research Services, LLC). She leads sustainable funds research in North America, including oversight of the U.S. sustainable funds landscape and flows and spearheading efforts on the ESG Commitment Level, a qualitative evaluation of ESG integration in asset management. Previously at Morningstar, Stankiewicz was a multi-asset fund analyst, leading due diligence on strategies ranging from multi-asset allocation funds to model portfolios and target-date strategies. Stankiewicz holds an MBA in Sustainable Innovation from the University of Vermont.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/cb205b8f7abc4cc890f8e835c12ba679!_!a97bb16d22f2548a43094d1762f65c74.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Steve Liberatore',\n role: 'Lead Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Nuveen, a TIAA Company',\n about:\n 'Steve Liberatore is the lead portfolio manager for Nuveen’s fixed-income strategies that incorporate environmental, social, and governance criteria and impact investments, including those that comprise Nuveen’s Core Impact Bond, Short Duration Impact Bond, and Green Bond composites. He is also a member of the Investment Committee. Liberatore serves on the ICMA Green Bond Principles Advisory Council and was a member of the initial executive committee. He is a member of the UN Capital Development Fund’s working group on Climate Insurance Linked Resilient Infrastructure Finance and serves on the UN’s Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund’s Blue Economy Investor Advisory Group. He also serves on S&P’s Global Ratings ESG Leadership Council. He is a frequent speaker at events and a subject matter expert across media outlets, such as Bloomberg, CNBC, The Economist, and The Wall Street Journal. He and his team were awarded “Investor of the Year” at Environmental Finance’s 2020 Bond Awards. Before joining the firm in 2004, he held roles at Nationwide Mutual Insurance and Protective Life. Liberatore graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an MBA in finance and operations from Wake Forest University. He holds the CFA® designation and is a member of the CFA Society of North Carolina and the CFA Institute.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/e80ceb3cd7834318bc86a8b297ff268c!_!8acc24720eeac0e638c00c6e63fece16.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Lucas White',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'GMO',\n about:\n 'Mr. White is the portfolio manager for the Resources and Climate Change Strategies. He is a member of GMO’s Focused Equity team and a partner of the firm. Previously at GMO, he was engaged in portfolio management for the Global Equity team, including responsibilities for the Quality, Tactical Opportunities, and U.S. Growth Strategies. Prior to joining GMO in 2006, he worked at Standish Mellon Asset Management and MFS. Mr. White earned his B.A. in Economics and Psychology from Duke University. He is a CFA charterholder.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/70509c6e54574cf1aafbb3d8c1befc97!_!b281f18fdd7222ac7d2204b47f121b90.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Lisa Beauvilain',\n role: 'Head of Sustainability & ESG, Executive Director',\n company: 'Impax Asset Management',\n about:\n 'Lisa is responsible for the development and oversight of Impax’s Sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) analysis, including overseeing stewardship work in the Listed Equity team. She is the Chair of Impax’s ESG, Sustainability Lens and Environmental Committees and also Co-Heads Impax’s impact investment work. \\n\\nLisa joined Impax in 2010. She started working in the financial industry in 1999 and previously worked as an executive director in the Investment Management Division of Goldman Sachs in London. Lisa has also worked as an independent consultant, focusing on environmental policy research and analysis.\\n\\nShe is active within working groups and advisory councils relating to impact investing, water, governance and ESG standard setting with several external industry organisations. \\nLisa has an MSc in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics as well as an MSc in Finance from the Hanken School of Economics, Finland.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a19adc9590da468b886154fb9368bd7c!_!760d1855926c3303cf66bece4a7315e7.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n sponsors: [\n {\n name: 'BlackRock',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n imageLink: '/images/sponsors/blackRock.png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 12:45',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 13:30',\n\n header: 'Jane McGonigal, Author of \"Imaginable\"',\n subheader: 'Keynote',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'First, there was Pong, then Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Mortal Kombat. Fast-forward to Fortnight, Animal Crossing, and the metaverse. Many parents lament their children’s obsession with video games, but McGonigal’s research has found that games can have beneficial effects on children, with important caveats. In this session, the author of SuperBetter: The Art of Living Gamefully shares insights from more than a decade of research that will change your outlook on the role of games in our society and introduces a new set of tools, which she calls “urgent optimism,” that we all can use to create a better future for everyone.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Jane McGonigal',\n role: '',\n company: '',\n about:\n 'Jane McGonigal is today’s leading speaker on the engagement economy and the application of gamedesign to the real world. Referencing lessons learned through her work creating games for organizations such as the World Bank, the Olympic Games, the American Heart Association, the New York Public Library, and many more. \\n\\nJane is notable for bringing gaming to the healthcare space. Her best-known project is SuperBetter, a mobile app and web-based game that helps individuals challenge personal health challenges (depression, anxiety, chronic pain, stress reduction), and get support from their “allies” — real-life friends and family. With one million players, it is currently under study at OSU Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania. Jane’s other healthcare games include collaborations with the American Heart Association and the Myelin Repair Foundation. \\n\\nJane McGonigal’s current book, SuperBetter: A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Stronger, Happier, Braver and More Resilient (debuted at #7 on the New York Times Advice bestsellers list), reveals a decade’s worth of scientific research into the ways all games change how we respond to stress, challenge, and pain. She shares stories and data from players who have followed the SuperBetter rules to get stronger, happier, and braver in the face of depression, anxiety, illness, and injury.\\n\\nHer previous book, Reality Is Broken: How Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change The World, is a New York Times bestseller. In this engaging, forward-thinking book, Jane makes the case that the gamer spirit — an attitude of fun, dedicated, collective problem-solving — is our greatest asset as we face the social, economic, and environmental problems of the 21st century.\\n\\nJane’s newest book, Imaginable: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready For Anything – Even Things That Seem Impossible Today, draws on the latest scientific research in psychology and neuroscience to show us how to train our brains to think the unthinkable and imagine the unimaginable.\\n\\nJane herself is a specialist in this field, a designer of alternate reality games, where a real-life activity is re-framed as a game. Players of Jane’s games face challenges as serious as surviving peak oil or establishing local sustainable businesses. And they face them with courage and creativity, inspired by their gameful state of mind. \\n\\nShe serves as the Director of Game Research & Development with the Institute For The Future in Palo Alto, Cali.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/18e799cede0e41aa8f3d9e768b8bba34!_!dd0853bf98d9d6b82e66a4db649b204d.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 13:40',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 14:10',\n\n header: 'A Conversation With Cliff Asness',\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Equities Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'AQR has been tested as never before over the past several years of equity bull markets, the pandemic, and volatility. In this one-on-one discussion with co-founder Cliff Asness, we explore what he and his firm have learned about markets through its ordeal and how their investment philosophy has adapted to change.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Ben Johnson',\n role: 'Director of Global ETF & Passive Strategies Research',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n 'Ben Johnson, CFA, is director of global ETF and passive strategies research. Before assuming his current role, he was director of ETF research for Europe and Asia. He also previously served as a senior equity analyst, covering the agriculture and chemicals industries. Before joining Morningstar in 2006, he worked as a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley.\\n\\nJohnson holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. In 2015, Fund Directions and Fund Action named Johnson among the 2015 Rising Stars of Mutual Funds.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/42f8a533c64048519e1b5d8b77b72645!_!056c25b24808e309cf664b552f46ab88.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Cliff Asness',\n role: 'Managing and Founding Principal',\n company: 'AQR Capital Management',\n about:\n 'Cliff is a Founder, Managing Principal and Chief Investment Officer at AQR Capital Management. He is an active researcher and has authored articles on a variety of financial topics for many publications, including The Journal of Portfolio Management, Financial Analysts Journal, The Journal of Finance and The Journal of Financial Economics. He has received five Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Awards from The Journal of Portfolio Management, in 2002, 2004, 2005, 2014 and 2015. Financial Analysts Journal has twice awarded him the Graham and Dodd Award for the year’s best paper, as well as a Graham and Dodd Excellence Award, the award for the best perspectives piece, and the Graham and Dodd Readers’ Choice Award. He has won the second prize of the Fama/DFA Prize for Capital Markets and Asset Pricing in the 2020 Journal of Financial Economics. In 2006, CFA Institute presented Cliff with the James R. Vertin Award, which is periodically given to individuals who have produced a body of research notable for its relevance and enduring value to investment professionals. \\n\\nPrior to co-founding AQR Capital Management, he was a Managing Director and Director of Quantitative Research for the Asset Management Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. He is on the editorial board of The Journal of Portfolio Management, the governing board of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Finance at NYU, the board of directors of the Q-Group, the board of the International Rescue Committee, the board of trustees of The National WWII Museum and the board of trustees at the New-York Historical Society.\\n\\nCliff received a B.S. in economics from the Wharton School and a B.S. in engineering from the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating summa cum laude in both. He received an M.B.A. with high honors and a Ph.D. in finance from the University of Chicago, where he was Eugene Fama’s student and teaching assistant for two years (so he still feels guilty when trying to beat the market).',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/752b7631e6804bbd9328d156b1487224!_!aaa70279ccac8a4b445444e6cacb211e.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 14:20',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 14:50',\n\n header: 'The Real Financial Planning Lifecycle',\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Financial Planning Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Financial advisors are often taught to think of clients’ financial lives in terms of the standard ‘Financial Life Cycle’ graph, which shows a simple path from accumulation through disbursement and legacy as a function of time. This stylized version of life ignores the realities of many households: School loans force many households to start out in the deep red, and setbacks along the way can change the picture entirely. This talk will introduce the Financial Life Modes model, which describes the many conditions households may face throughout their financial lives: Chaos, Survival, Stability, Early Accumulation, Accelerated Accumulation, Disbursement, and Legacy. Each stage is characterized not by the age of the client but by the ratio of debt to assets. A person may start life in any one of the seven modes, and people do not necessarily move rightward as a function of time but instead as they master the skills and behaviors most relevant to each mode. The Financial Life Modes model empowers advisors to coach clients on the specific habits of mind and behavior that will help them master their current financial mode, naturally leading them to the next stage on their journey to wealth.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Sarah Newcomb',\n role: 'Director of Behavioral Science',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n 'Sarah Newcomb is a director of behavioral science at Morningstar where she works to incorporate the findings of academic research into tools that help people make better long-term financial decisions. Her work on the psychology of money management has earned mentions in the NYT, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and other notable media outlets. She is a regular contributor for Morningstar, InvestmentNews, and PsychologyToday, and author of Loaded: Money, psychology, and how to get ahead without leaving your values behind.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a3e610240f334d23b18cbc08716b9d20!_!a87cb75ff71c12d6702f0d7eccd15047.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 15:30',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 16:25',\n\n header: 'A Conversation With Jenny Johnson',\n subheader: 'Keynote',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Franklin Templeton is working to emerge from a difficult stretch in which the firm’s funds have endured multiple years of outflows. Leading the way is CEO Jenny Johnson, who is seeking to revolutionize the firm’s fund lineup, culture, and operations. We’ll learn how investor trends like passive investing and crypto have shaped the firm’s revived strategy and what Johnson expects the firm to look like when her plans come to fruition.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Sarah Bush',\n role: 'North American Manager Research Practice Leader',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Sarah Bush is the North American manager research practice leader for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. She directs the firm’s manager research analyst team in North America. \\n\\nBefore assuming her current role in 2019, Bush was director of manager research for fixed-income strategies, North America. Bush rejoined the firm in 2011 as a senior manager research analyst for fixed-income. Prior to that, Bush served from 2006 to 2010 as director of development and then director of investor programs for IFF, a community development financial institution that provides loans and real estate consulting to nonprofits serving low-income communities in the Midwest. Previously, she spent four years at Prudential Capital Group, an investment arm of Prudential Financial, where she researched, recommended, and negotiated private placement debt investments. Bush originally joined Morningstar in 1997 as a mutual fund analyst. \\n\\nBush holds a bachelor’s degree in history and mathematics from the University of Wisconsin, where she graduated as a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and a master’s degree in business administration, with concentrations in finance, economics, and international business, from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a664359d7177488f9c3de57cf12c9d2d!_!55198d28b11e1b6f994bec375edefd37.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Jenny Johnson',\n role: 'President and CEO',\n company: 'Franklin Templeton',\n about:\n \"Jenny Johnson is President and Chief Executive Officer of Franklin Templeton. In a career at Franklin Templeton spanning over 30 years, she has been a key driver in the company's transformation to what is now one of the most respected global firms focused on investment management, technology, innovation, diversity and corporate and social responsibility.\\n\\nMs. Johnson joined the firm in 1988 and held leadership roles in all major divisions of the business, including investment management, distribution, technology, operations, and high-net-worth, before becoming CEO in February 2020. She led the historic acquisition of Legg Mason in 2020, with the combined organization managing over $1.5 trillion in assets globally.\\n\\nMs. Johnson was named to Barron's list of the 100 Most Influential Women in U.S. Finance for three consecutive years beginning in 2020, and was named 2021 Woman of the Year by Financial Women of San Francisco. She has been named one of Money Management Executive's Top Women in Asset Management and was chosen by her peers as one of Ignites' Most Influential Women in Fund Management. Ms. Johnson is a frequent speaker at industry events, most notably on the topics of leadership, financial industry developments, diversity & inclusion, and innovation.\\n\\nMs. Johnson personally champions diversity and inclusion and is involved in a number of organizations that prioritize D&I. She is a member of the NYSE Board Advisory Council, which identifies and connects diverse board candidates to NYSE-listed companies seeking new directors, and serves on the advisory board of Black Capital, an early-stage fund focused on investing in black and other underrepresented founders. She is a member of the board of directors of Catalyst, a global nonprofit dedicated to accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion. She is a member of the advisory board of The Creative Coalition, a social and public advocacy organization of the arts and entertainment community. \\n\\nAdditionally, Ms. Johnson is a board member of the JMT Wilderness Conservancy and the Carolands Foundation. Previously, Ms. Johnson has served on various other boards, including the Lucille Packard Children's Hospital and the San Francisco Giants. \\n\\nMs. Johnson earned her B.A. in economics from the University of California at Davis.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a531fd1cc2ec4b7ab1c1ed348a0510a4!_!67f95748be4f65f13ec05aded96bbc52.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 16:45',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 17:35',\n\n header: 'Geopolitical Order Disrupted: A Conversation with Mike McFaul',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'There was a lot of public discourse about the fragility of our economy and society in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic. But when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, a forgotten source of uncertainty was revived: geopolitical conflict. Michael McFaul was U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation during the Obama administration and is an expert not only on U.S.-Russia relations but also the emerging world order that includes China. In this session, we’ll learn how we can expect geopolitics to evolve over the coming months, years, and decades in light of recent events.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Michael McFaul',\n role: 'US Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2012-2014); Stanford Professor & Hoover Institution Fellow',\n company: '',\n about:\n \"Michael A. McFaul served as Ambassador of the United States of America to the Russian Federation from January, 2012, to February, 2014. Prior to becoming Ambassador, he served for three years as the special assistant to the President and senior director for Russia and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council.\\n\\nMcFaul is a professor of political science and a Hoover fellow at Stanford University. He is also director and senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI). \\n\\nHe is the author and editor of several monographs including, Advancing Democracy Abroad: Why We Should and How We Can (2009); with Valerie Bunce and Katheryn Stoner-Weiss, eds., Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World (2009); with Anders Aslund, eds., Revolution in Orange: The Origins of Ukraine's Democratic Breakthrough (2006); with Nikolai Petrov and Andrei Ryabov, Between Dictatorship and Democracy: Russian Postcommunist Political Reform (2004); with James Goldgeier, Power and Purpose: American Policy toward Russia after the Cold War (2003); and Russia’s Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin (2001). Most recently, he wrote From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia (2018), a \\uFEFFNew York Times best-selling inside account of U.S.-Russia relations from 1989 to the present.\\n\\nMcFaul was born and raised in Montana. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations and Slavic Languages and his Master of Arts degree in Soviet and East European Studies from Stanford University in 1986. He was awarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford where he completed his Doctor of Philosophy degree in International Relations in 1991.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/535ffd65664d4a288b7613a1d765be37!_!37d9aad98adea3663930e5f45397d0ad.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n date: '2022/5/18',\n entries: [\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/18 09:10',\n endTime: '2022/5/18 10:00',\n\n header: 'Where in the World are Equity Opportunities?',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'International stocks have languished relative to their U.S. counterparts for several years running. Yet non-U.S. equities remain a key ingredient to portfolio diversification. In this session, we’ll hear how two managers with distinctive approaches—one value-leaning, one growth-oriented—have navigated the changing global landscape.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Sarah Ketterer',\n role: 'CEO',\n company: 'Causeway Capital Management LLC',\n about:\n 'Ms. Ketterer is the chief executive officer at Causeway, fundamental portfolio manager, and is responsible for investment research across all sectors. Ms. Ketterer co-founded the firm in June 2001 and is a member of the operating committee. \\n\\nFrom 1996 to 2001, Ms. Ketterer worked for the Hotchkis & Wiley division of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (HW-MLIM). At HW-MLIM, she was a managing director and co-head of the firm’s HW-MLIM International and Global Value team. From 1990 to 1996, Ms. Ketterer was a portfolio manager at Hotchkis & Wiley, where she founded the International Equity product.\\n\\nMs. Ketterer earned a BA in economics and political science from Stanford University and an MBA from the Tuck School, Dartmouth College. Ms. Ketterer serves on the Stanford University Board of Trustees and the Girls Who Invest President’s Council and is on the advisory board of Portal Schools. She previously served as a board member and chair of the Los Angeles World Affairs Council and Town Hall and chair of the investment committee of the Music Center Foundation.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/143d7f57ffc045fb8c6d2f65ba37e0cd!_!e29baeccadc5321f6778aecfc97313fa.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Sammy Simnegar',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Fidelity Investments',\n about:\n 'Sammy Simnegar is a portfolio manager in the Equity division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading \\nprovider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and \\nother financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals.\\n\\nIn this role, Mr. Simnegar is responsible for managing Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation \\nFund, Fidelity VIP International Capital Appreciation Portfolio, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund,\\nFidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation SMA, Fidelity Magellan Fund, Fidelity Magellan Commingled Pool,\\nand Fidelity Magellan ETF.\\n\\nPrior to assuming his current position, Mr. Simnegar managed Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund \\nand Fidelity VIP Emerging Markets Portfolio, and co-managed Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity \\nFund. Additionally, Mr. Simnegar was an equity analyst at Fidelity, focusing on emerging-market energy, materials, \\nand industrials; U.S. regional banks; and real estate, hotels, and emerging telecom.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/015e9dd6b041483b9f669c21ff5a62dc!_!c4ac5f91e4d2bfe83041fbc2d31bead0.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Katie Reichart',\n role: 'Director, Equity Strategies',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n \"Katie Rushkewicz Reichart, CFA, is director of equity strategies for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. She oversees Morningstar's U.S.-based equity strategies team and is a voting member of the Morningstar Analyst Ratings Committee for U.S. and international equity strategies. Reichart previously served as the lead analyst for prominent fund companies such as T. Rowe Price and Fidelity.\\n\\nBefore joining the Manager Research team in 2008, Reichart worked in data and client services as a member of the Morningstar Development Program. She joined Morningstar in 2006.\\n\\nReichart holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and business institutions from Northwestern University, where she graduated summa cum laude and as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/cc4870c03c664698808e9fb272e4a9a8!_!622cb89bd1efc34fd1ffc2855b6c8f90.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/18 10:10',\n endTime: '2022/5/18 11:00',\n\n header: 'The State of Retirement Income',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Retirement income has been a hot topic among advisors for well over a decade. Life expectancies, the performance of the stock market, changing attitudes about retirement, and interest rates have conspired to make income a constant source of uncertainty in designing drawdown strategies for clients. In this session, we bring together experts from within and beyond Morningstar and will discuss the latest research, with a particular emphasis on safe withdrawal rates.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Jeffrey Ptak',\n role: 'Chief Ratings Officer',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Jeffrey Ptak, CFA, is chief ratings officer for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc.\\n\\nBefore assuming his current role, Ptak was head of global manager research. Previously, he was president and chief investment officer of Morningstar Investment Services, Inc., an investment unit that provides managed portfolio services through fee-based, independent financial advisors, for six years. Ptak joined Morningstar in 2002 as a senior mutual fund analyst and has also served as director of exchange-traded fund analysis, editor of Morningstar ETFInvestor, and an equity analyst. He briefly left Morningstar to become an investment products analyst for William Blair & Company, and earlier in his career, he was a manager for Arthur Andersen.\\n\\nPtak holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Wisconsin and the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/b3c5e94fb65c44ac8e5faa54aff6bd9e!_!ac91e2ab8a1dbafb6c9e0ca7f4d006a3.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Christine Benz',\n role: 'Director of Personal Finance and Retirement Planning',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n \"Christine Benz is director of personal finance and retirement planning for Morningstar and senior columnist for Morningstar.com. In that role, she focuses on retirement and portfolio planning for individual investors. She also co-hosts a podcast for Morningstar, The Long View, which features in-depth interviews with thought leaders in investing and personal finance. She is a frequent public speaker and is widely quoted in the media, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, CNBC, and PBS. In 2020, Barron’s named her to its inaugural list of the 100 most influential women in finance; she appeared on the 2021 list as well. In 2021, Barron’s named her as one of the 10 most influential women in wealth management. \\n\\nBenz is author of 30-Minute Money Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Your Finances (Wiley, 2010). She is also co-author of Morningstar® Guide to Mutual Funds: 5-Star Strategies for Success, a national bestseller published in 2003, and author of the book’s second edition, which was published in 2005. Before assuming her current role in 2008, she served as Morningstar's director of mutual fund analysis and was editor of Morningstar Mutual Funds and Morningstar FundInvestor. \\n\\nBenz holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and Russian/East European studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is a board member of the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy. Benz is also a member of The Alpha Group, a group of thought leaders from the wealth management industry from across the country. In her free time, she works with underprivileged women to improve their understanding of personal finance concepts.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/e424c7213f7b4fd99a61059e5a064a8b!_!f271360dc8bd9d261a29457fca7ed2b9.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'David Blanchett',\n role: 'Managing Director, Head of Retirement Research',\n company: 'PGIM DC Solutions',\n about:\n 'David Blanchett, PhD, CFA, CFP®, is Managing Director and Head of Retirement Research for PGIM DC Solutions. PGIM is the global investment management business of Prudential Financial, Inc. In this role he develops research and innovative solutions to help improve retirement outcomes for investors with a focus on defined contribution plans. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of Wealth Management at The American College of Financial Services and Research Fellow for the Alliance for Lifetime Income.\\n\\nDavid has published over 100 papers in a variety of industry and academic journals that have received awards from the CFP Board, the Financial Analysts Journal, the Journal of Financial Planning, and the International Centre for Pension Management. In 2014 InvestmentNews included him in their inaugural 40 under 40 list as a “visionary” for the financial planning industry and in 2021 ThinkAdvisor included him in the IA25+. When David isn’t working, he’s probably out for a jog, playing with his four kids, or rooting for the Kentucky Wildcats.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/31693a3a84284bc2a80c632ea0afc53d!_!5bc582eab44693d6d9e4082d78a2c821.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Karsten Jeske',\n role: 'Founder',\n company: 'Early Retirement Now',\n about:\n 'Karsten retired in 2018 at the age of 44 after a long career in academia, government, and Corporate America. He previously taught economics at Emory University in Atlanta and worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Bank of New York Mellon Asset Management in San Francisco. He uses his new-found time to travel with his wife and daughter and write for his blog Early Retirement Now on all topics related to finance and especially the financial challenges of early retirement withdrawal strategies. Karsten has an undergraduate degree in Business from the Universität Bielefeld in Germany, a Master’s and Doctorate in economics from the University of Minnesota. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) designation.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/4b92eb8fe139420bb9fd6233cf0b4636!_!e4ae30620d20763b5e2c60b2f910b134.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/18 11:40',\n endTime: '2022/5/18 12:30',\n\n header: 'New Rules for Inherited Retirement Accounts',\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Financial Planning Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'The SECURE Act changed the way retirement accounts are funded, distributed, and passed to the next generation. This session will break down these new rules, in particular the 10-year rule for inherited accounts and the latest IRS guidance here, as well planning strategies to mitigate their impact.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Tim Steffen',\n role: 'Director of Tax Planning',\n company: 'Robert W. Baird & Co.',\n about:\n 'As Director of Tax Planning for Baird, Tim is responsible for researching, writing and speaking on important tax issues that impact the clients of Baird. This includes topics related to retirement planning, executive compensation, business owners, legislative changes, and overall best practices.\\n\\nTim originally joined Baird in 1999 serving in a variety of planning-oriented roles, most recently as the Director of Advanced Planning. He left Baird in 2019 to join the Advisor Education team at PIMCO, before returning to Baird in 2021. Prior to 1999, Tim worked in Arthur Andersen’s Private Client Services group in Milwaukee where he specialized in tax and financial planning. His clients included corporate executives, business owners and families.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/3be0c6e116cd4dd2acd45790bf65136d!_!ee790b60600d43f40d4a2c4ac3d9770c.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: 'Morningstar Investment Event 2023',\n id: '380fd521-f53e-446a-8abe-4301c2944a66',\n startTime: '2023/5/16 09:00',\n endTime: '2023/5/18 23:00',\n imageLink: '',\n description:\n 'Bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin ham hock shoulder salami. Chislic pancetta porchetta, buffalo kielbasa chuck ground round pork chop prosciutto fatback strip steak tenderloin tail drumstick boudin. Capicola shank tongue chicken alcatra bresaola ham hock fatback sausage ribeye flank strip steak hamburger pork chop brisket. Salami boudin pork, bresaola corned beef hamburger ham filet mignon. Beef ribs alcatra burgdoggen ribeye. Fatback shank picanha tongue turkey filet mignon tail ground round, beef ribs cupim pastrami. Shankle pork loin jerky ham pastrami sirloin doner frankfurter porchetta ham hock bresaola buffalo kielbasa.',\n days: [\n {\n date: '2022/5/16',\n entries: [\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/16 15:00',\n endTime: '2022/5/16 15:30',\n\n header: 'Opening Keynote',\n subheader: 'Keynote',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText: '',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Kunal Kapoor',\n role: 'CEO',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n 'Kunal Kapoor, CFA, is chief executive officer of Morningstar. Before assuming his current role in 2017, he served as president, responsible for product development and innovation, sales and marketing, and driving strategic prioritization across the firm.\\n\\nSince joining Morningstar in 1997 as a data analyst, Kapoor has held a variety of roles at the firm, including leadership positions in research and innovation. He served as director of mutual fund research and was part of the team that launched Morningstar Investment Services, Inc., before moving on to other roles including director of business strategy for international operations, and later, president and chief investment officer of Morningstar Investment Services. During his tenure, he has also led Morningstar.com® and the firm’s data business as well as its global products and client solutions group.\\n\\nKapoor holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and environmental policy from Monmouth College and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation, is a member of the CFA Society of Chicago, and served on the board of PitchBook, a private firm that provides a comprehensive private equity and venture capital database, prior to its acquisition by Morningstar in late 2016. Kapoor is also a member of the board of trustees of The Nature Conservancy in Illinois. In 2010, Crain’s Chicago Business named him to its annual 40 Under 40 class, a list that includes professionals from a variety of industries who are contributing to Chicago’s business, civic, and philanthropic landscape.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/5e05d62ddb6b4ed4bc67b2f03af1d4e7!_!6a25254fd81cdcfd6c20ea0aea31a3e0.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n\n sponsors: [\n {\n name: 'Test Sponsor',\n about: 'Further information about this sponsor',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/16 15:30',\n endTime: '2022/5/16 16:30',\n\n header: 'The World Is Their Oyster',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Two of the industry’s foremost allocators will discuss their outlook for stocks, bonds, currencies, and more. Both Kate Moore and David Giroux manage portfolios that can invest across assets and geographies, but each approaches their mandates with processes that reflect their own and their firm’s strengths. Moore invests from a top-down macro lens, while Giroux finds opportunities with a fundamental, bottom-up approach. The panel members will discuss where they see opportunities as well as risks they’re monitoring over the coming months and quarters.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'David Giroux',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'T. Rowe Price',\n about:\n \"David Giroux is a portfolio manager in the U.S. Equity Division. He manages the Capital Appreciation Strategy, including the Capital Appreciation Fund. He also is head of Investment Strategy and chief investment officer for T. Rowe Price Investment Management (TRPIM).\\n\\nHe is a member of the TRPIM Investment Steering and TRPIM ESG Committees. David is a five-time nominee and two-time winner of Morningstar's Fund Manager of the Year award1 in the allocation category. David's fund also has won 17 Best Fund awards2 from Lipper. He is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Investment Management, Inc.\\nDavid's investment experience began in 1998 when he joined T. Rowe Price, beginning as a research analyst in the T. Rowe Price Associates U.S. Equity Division. He had analytical responsibility for the firm's investments in the industrials, building products, and automotive sectors until 2006.\\n\\nDavid earned a B.A., magna cum laude, in finance and political economy from Hillsdale College. He also has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.\\n\\nCFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/dffe34c209ca4327bc66f949f311bf12!_!bcd0297e29a7ed02fdb925e0f09f9873.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Bobby Blue',\n role: 'Senior Manager Research Analyst',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Bobby Blue is a senior manager research analyst for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. He covers multi-asset and alternative fund strategies, including real asset strategies, liquid alternatives, and other allocation strategies.\\n\\nBefore assuming his current role in 2018, Blue was a senior data research analyst on the portfolio analytics and acquisition team at Morningstar, where he worked to develop new data points by incorporating advanced derivatives into Morningstar analytics. \\n\\nBlue holds a bachelor’s degree in business economics from the University of Cincinnati’s Lindner College of Business.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/15f13fdeddf1493687e59b9ede0cc723!_!3d011068affd9350b54c547841840aba.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Kate Moore',\n role: 'Managing Director & Head of Thematic Strategy',\n company: 'BlackRock',\n about: '',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/443542a705f244689d9ed4886101a169!_!0f024a4fe340d83f0b1541308e49b017.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/16 16:40',\n endTime: '2022/5/16 17:40',\n\n header: 'Raghuram Rajan',\n subheader: 'Keynote',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Dr. Raghuram Rajan, the former governor of the Reserve Bank of India and the chief economist and director of research at the International Monetary Fund, is currently a professor of finance at the University of Chicago, where he specializes in banking, corporate finance, and economic development, and the role finance plays in it. His recent work has focused on the often-overlooked role that communities play in creating thriving economies and societies. In this talk, he will address these topics as well as the overarching economic issues of our time: inflation, interest rates, and the changing nature of work.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Dr. Raghuram Rajan',\n role: 'Governor, Reserve Bank of India (2013–2016) Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School',\n company: 'University of Chicago Booth School of Business',\n about:\n 'Dr. Raghuram Rajan is a distinguished service professor of finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He was the 23rd governor of the Reserve Bank of India from September 2013 to September 2016. Between 2003 and 2006, Dr. Rajan was the chief economist and director of research at the International Monetary Fund.\\n\\nDr. Rajan’s research interests are in banking, corporate finance and economic development, especially the role finance plays in it. He co-authored Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists with Luigi Zingales in 2003. He then wrote Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy, for which he was awarded the Financial Times-Goldman Sachs prize for “Business Book of the Year” in 2010. Other books he has written include The Third Pillar: How the State and Markets are leaving Communities Behind (2019) and I do What I do: On Reform, Rhetoric, and Resolve (2017). \\n\\nDr. Rajan is a member of the Group of Thirty and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was the president of the American Finance Association that in January 2003, awarded Dr. Rajan the inaugural Fischer Black Prize for the best finance researcher under the age of 40. Other awards he has received include the global Indian of the year award from NASSCOM in 2011, the Infosys prize for the Economic Sciences in 2012, the Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics in 2013, the 2014 Euromoney Central Banker of the Year and The Banker magazine’s 2016 Central Banker of the Year.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/b10f29df8a6a486d8da896a2e3a8b32e!_!3b510689450b8e8bb3b23f4b037e1ba8.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n date: '2022/5/17',\n entries: [\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 08:00',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 09:00',\n\n header: 'Insights Into Net-Zero Carbon Goals for Investors',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'An increasing number of companies have made science-based, long-dated, and ambitious commitments to substantially reduce their carbon footprint by 2050. But it’s critical to understand the economic benefit for shareholders from these promises, not just the societal benefit for stakeholders. And there are outstanding questions related to the accountability for, feasibility of, and measurement of these goals. Join members of our equity research team who will discuss the outlook and ramifications of net-zero commitments for companies across the value chain.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Adam Fleck',\n role: 'Director of Equity Research, ESG',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n \"Adam Fleck is the director of equity research, ESG for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. He leads Morningstar's environmental, social, and governance equity research efforts, including collaboration with Sustainalytics, along with a team of analysts in Chicago and Amsterdam. Before assuming his current role, Fleck was Morningstar's regional director of equity research in Australia and New Zealand and director of North American consumer equity research. He joined Morningstar in 2006. Fleck holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Notre Dame, where he graduated cum laude. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/be28173a700840b0987dc675745b8a92!_!e7b11e59b12234be688c447b6701aeed.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Erin Lash',\n role: 'Director, Consumer Equity Research',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Erin Lash, CFA, is director of consumer sector equity research for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. In addition to leading the sector team, Lash covers packaged food and household and personal care companies. \\nBefore joining Morningstar in 2006, she spent four years as an investment analyst covering retail, transportation, and technology firms for State Farm Insurance. \\n\\nLash holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from Bradley University and a master’s degree in business administration, with concentrations in accounting and finance, from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. She ranked second in the food and tobacco industry in The Wall Street Journal’s annual “Best on the Street” analysts survey in 2013, the last year the survey was conducted.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/1d5fbd3507574ac7bd40e2b0e3333531!_!6d4fe2d0435c91dd63cdaff672d5c542.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Travis Miller',\n role: 'Equity Strategist',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Travis Miller is an equity strategist covering the energy and utilities sectors for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. Before joining Morningstar in 2007, he was a reporter for several Chicago-area newspapers, including the Daily Herald in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Miller holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, with concentrations in accounting and finance.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a7b820dcc8ef49789ed7c6c95347af5e!_!e3b7646de36b532a8e61a26706422288.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Alex Osborne-Saponja',\n role: 'Associate Director of Methodology & Product Architecture, Climate Solutions',\n company: 'Sustainalytics',\n about:\n 'Alex joined Sustainalytics in October 2019 as a carbon subject matter expert. She previously led on carbon research, analysis and thought leadership within the Research Team, before joining the Climate Solutions Team, focused on developing the methodology for new climate focused products. Alex has 15 years working in the carbon and climate space, before joining Sustainalytics, she worked in academic research and then as a consultant for 11 years, eventually heading up a sustainability consulting unit in the UK, focusing on developing strong sustainability strategies for a range of clients, focusing on maximizing opportunities presented by carbon and climate risk. \\n\\nAlex has worked with Government, NGOs and corporates, delivering projects ranging from carbon policy and strategy, compliance, reporting, foot printing and modelling, reduction and mitigation plans, nature-based carbon solutions, climate modelling and development of regional carbon markets. She is a Practitioner member of the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment, and has contributed towards the post-Brexit environmental bill, UK Government Natural Capital Strategy, and BSi guidance and standards. Before relocating to Canada, she acted as advisor to HM Government on carbon strategy. \\n\\nAlex has an academic background in environmental biology and environmental modelling and is an alumnus of the University of Nottingham and the Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership.',\n imageLink: '',\n },\n {\n name: 'Nadja Dreff',\n role: 'SVP, Insurance',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n 'Nadja Dreff is the Senior Vice President within the Global Financial Institutions Group of DBRS Morningstar, focusing on insurance companies. Nadja joined DBRS Morningstar in 2021, bringing more than a decade of experience working with the property & casualty insurance industry and government stakeholders on a broad range of financial policy issues. Prior to joining IBC, Nadja held increasingly more senior roles as a financial market analyst and economist at the Bank of Canada in Ottawa and Toronto. Nadja received her Masters of Arts degree in Economics from Carleton University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder.',\n imageLink: '',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 09:10',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 10:00',\n\n header: \"Software Has Eaten the World. What's Next?\",\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Equities Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'More than 10 years ago, Netscape founder and venture capitalist Marc Andreessen identified compelling investments by asking, “Why is software eating the world?” The question now is, What’s next? Is it artificial intelligence? The metaverse? Blockchain? Where are the opportunities, and what are the risks? In this session, we will explore these themes with three prominent equity portfolio managers.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Mark Casey',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Capital International Investors',\n about: '',\n imageLink: '',\n },\n {\n name: 'Alec Lucas',\n role: 'Strategist, Manager Research',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Alec Lucas is a strategist within manager research for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. He covers equity strategies from asset managers such as American Funds, Vanguard, and Hartford. He is also the lead analyst on Vanguard, among other firms.\\n\\nBefore joining Morningstar in 2013, Lucas worked as a minister as well as a professor for Loyola University Chicago, among other institutions. From 2010 to 2011, he was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Heidelberg.\\n\\nLucas holds bachelors’ degrees in philosophy and classics from the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he graduated summa cum laude and with departmental honors, and a Master of Divinity, summa cum laude, from Trinity International University. He also holds a doctorate in theology, with distinction, from Loyola University Chicago and has published several articles and one book within that field.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/31d09031f94f47a5bdc2c1e4304b2d55!_!84f74ad0f0372e7571f954c41a448d17.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'David Palmer',\n role: 'Senior Managing Director, Partner, & Equity Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Wellington Management Company LLP',\n about:\n 'Dave is an equity portfolio manager and leader of the firm’s Opportunistic Value Team. Drawing on research from Wellington Management’s global industry analysts, equity portfolio managers, and team analysts, he manages the Opportunistic Value, Global Opportunistic Value, and International Opportunistic Value approaches. He works in our Radnor, Pennsylvania office.\\n\\nPrior to joining Wellington Management in 1998, David worked in equity sales, trading, and research at Cantor Fitzgerald, Ltd. in London (1993 – 1996). \\n\\nDavid earned his MBA in finance, with distinction, from the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton, 1998) and his BA in English, with distinction, from Stanford University (1993). He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/4c6134291515480591cf6dc62da4ca09!_!cc170fd1eceb4e0bc73292c8a9651072.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Christopher Lin',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Fidelity Investments',\n about:\n 'Chris Lin is a portfolio manager in the Equity division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and other financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals. In this role, Mr. Lin is manager of the Fidelity OTC Portfolio and the Fidelity OTC Commingled Pool. Prior to assuming his current responsibilities, Mr. Lin served as a research analyst responsible for the coverage of large cap internet stocks. He also previously managed Fidelity Select Computers Portfolio and co-managed Fidelity Select Semiconductors Portfolio, Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund, and Fidelity Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund. He also served as a research analyst and as a research associate covering biotechnology and other health care stocks. He has been in the financial industry since joining Fidelity in 2002. Mr. Lin earned his bachelor of arts degree, with honors, in economics from Harvard University.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/1cda2fffb3304344b74be1a8f938f28f!_!8da0ea8f2323d0de219e896a1a0a1e10.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 11:00',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 11:50',\n\n header: 'Investing in the Energy Transition',\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Fixed-Income Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n \"Climate change has dominated the sustainable-investing movement in recent years, but climate-focused investing isn't one-size-fits-all. In this session, we compare three managers' distinct approaches to investing in the climate transition: Pax Global Environmental Markets is a 5-globe equity fund that earns the Morningstar Low Carbon Designation; GMO Climate Change holds overweightings in utility and energy stocks and earns 1 globe; and TIAA-CREF Green Bond focuses on driving positive impact in the fixed-income space. Learn the differences among these various strategies during this discussion.\",\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Alyssa Stankiewicz',\n role: 'Sustainability Analyst, Morningstar Manager Research',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Alyssa Stankiewicz is a sustainability analyst for Morningstar Manager Research (Morningstar Research Services, LLC). She leads sustainable funds research in North America, including oversight of the U.S. sustainable funds landscape and flows and spearheading efforts on the ESG Commitment Level, a qualitative evaluation of ESG integration in asset management. Previously at Morningstar, Stankiewicz was a multi-asset fund analyst, leading due diligence on strategies ranging from multi-asset allocation funds to model portfolios and target-date strategies. Stankiewicz holds an MBA in Sustainable Innovation from the University of Vermont.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/cb205b8f7abc4cc890f8e835c12ba679!_!a97bb16d22f2548a43094d1762f65c74.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Steve Liberatore',\n role: 'Lead Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Nuveen, a TIAA Company',\n about:\n 'Steve Liberatore is the lead portfolio manager for Nuveen’s fixed-income strategies that incorporate environmental, social, and governance criteria and impact investments, including those that comprise Nuveen’s Core Impact Bond, Short Duration Impact Bond, and Green Bond composites. He is also a member of the Investment Committee. Liberatore serves on the ICMA Green Bond Principles Advisory Council and was a member of the initial executive committee. He is a member of the UN Capital Development Fund’s working group on Climate Insurance Linked Resilient Infrastructure Finance and serves on the UN’s Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund’s Blue Economy Investor Advisory Group. He also serves on S&P’s Global Ratings ESG Leadership Council. He is a frequent speaker at events and a subject matter expert across media outlets, such as Bloomberg, CNBC, The Economist, and The Wall Street Journal. He and his team were awarded “Investor of the Year” at Environmental Finance’s 2020 Bond Awards. Before joining the firm in 2004, he held roles at Nationwide Mutual Insurance and Protective Life. Liberatore graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an MBA in finance and operations from Wake Forest University. He holds the CFA® designation and is a member of the CFA Society of North Carolina and the CFA Institute.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/e80ceb3cd7834318bc86a8b297ff268c!_!8acc24720eeac0e638c00c6e63fece16.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Lucas White',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'GMO',\n about:\n 'Mr. White is the portfolio manager for the Resources and Climate Change Strategies. He is a member of GMO’s Focused Equity team and a partner of the firm. Previously at GMO, he was engaged in portfolio management for the Global Equity team, including responsibilities for the Quality, Tactical Opportunities, and U.S. Growth Strategies. Prior to joining GMO in 2006, he worked at Standish Mellon Asset Management and MFS. Mr. White earned his B.A. in Economics and Psychology from Duke University. He is a CFA charterholder.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/70509c6e54574cf1aafbb3d8c1befc97!_!b281f18fdd7222ac7d2204b47f121b90.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Lisa Beauvilain',\n role: 'Head of Sustainability & ESG, Executive Director',\n company: 'Impax Asset Management',\n about:\n 'Lisa is responsible for the development and oversight of Impax’s Sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) analysis, including overseeing stewardship work in the Listed Equity team. She is the Chair of Impax’s ESG, Sustainability Lens and Environmental Committees and also Co-Heads Impax’s impact investment work. \\n\\nLisa joined Impax in 2010. She started working in the financial industry in 1999 and previously worked as an executive director in the Investment Management Division of Goldman Sachs in London. Lisa has also worked as an independent consultant, focusing on environmental policy research and analysis.\\n\\nShe is active within working groups and advisory councils relating to impact investing, water, governance and ESG standard setting with several external industry organisations. \\nLisa has an MSc in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics as well as an MSc in Finance from the Hanken School of Economics, Finland.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a19adc9590da468b886154fb9368bd7c!_!760d1855926c3303cf66bece4a7315e7.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 12:45',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 13:30',\n\n header: 'Jane McGonigal, Author of \"Imaginable\"',\n subheader: 'Keynote',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'First, there was Pong, then Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Mortal Kombat. Fast-forward to Fortnight, Animal Crossing, and the metaverse. Many parents lament their children’s obsession with video games, but McGonigal’s research has found that games can have beneficial effects on children, with important caveats. In this session, the author of SuperBetter: The Art of Living Gamefully shares insights from more than a decade of research that will change your outlook on the role of games in our society and introduces a new set of tools, which she calls “urgent optimism,” that we all can use to create a better future for everyone.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Jane McGonigal',\n role: '',\n company: '',\n about:\n 'Jane McGonigal is today’s leading speaker on the engagement economy and the application of gamedesign to the real world. Referencing lessons learned through her work creating games for organizations such as the World Bank, the Olympic Games, the American Heart Association, the New York Public Library, and many more. \\n\\nJane is notable for bringing gaming to the healthcare space. Her best-known project is SuperBetter, a mobile app and web-based game that helps individuals challenge personal health challenges (depression, anxiety, chronic pain, stress reduction), and get support from their “allies” — real-life friends and family. With one million players, it is currently under study at OSU Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania. Jane’s other healthcare games include collaborations with the American Heart Association and the Myelin Repair Foundation. \\n\\nJane McGonigal’s current book, SuperBetter: A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Stronger, Happier, Braver and More Resilient (debuted at #7 on the New York Times Advice bestsellers list), reveals a decade’s worth of scientific research into the ways all games change how we respond to stress, challenge, and pain. She shares stories and data from players who have followed the SuperBetter rules to get stronger, happier, and braver in the face of depression, anxiety, illness, and injury.\\n\\nHer previous book, Reality Is Broken: How Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change The World, is a New York Times bestseller. In this engaging, forward-thinking book, Jane makes the case that the gamer spirit — an attitude of fun, dedicated, collective problem-solving — is our greatest asset as we face the social, economic, and environmental problems of the 21st century.\\n\\nJane’s newest book, Imaginable: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready For Anything – Even Things That Seem Impossible Today, draws on the latest scientific research in psychology and neuroscience to show us how to train our brains to think the unthinkable and imagine the unimaginable.\\n\\nJane herself is a specialist in this field, a designer of alternate reality games, where a real-life activity is re-framed as a game. Players of Jane’s games face challenges as serious as surviving peak oil or establishing local sustainable businesses. And they face them with courage and creativity, inspired by their gameful state of mind. \\n\\nShe serves as the Director of Game Research & Development with the Institute For The Future in Palo Alto, Cali.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/18e799cede0e41aa8f3d9e768b8bba34!_!dd0853bf98d9d6b82e66a4db649b204d.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 13:40',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 14:10',\n\n header: 'A Conversation With Cliff Asness',\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Equities Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'AQR has been tested as never before over the past several years of equity bull markets, the pandemic, and volatility. In this one-on-one discussion with co-founder Cliff Asness, we explore what he and his firm have learned about markets through its ordeal and how their investment philosophy has adapted to change.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Ben Johnson',\n role: 'Director of Global ETF & Passive Strategies Research',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n 'Ben Johnson, CFA, is director of global ETF and passive strategies research. Before assuming his current role, he was director of ETF research for Europe and Asia. He also previously served as a senior equity analyst, covering the agriculture and chemicals industries. Before joining Morningstar in 2006, he worked as a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley.\\n\\nJohnson holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. In 2015, Fund Directions and Fund Action named Johnson among the 2015 Rising Stars of Mutual Funds.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/42f8a533c64048519e1b5d8b77b72645!_!056c25b24808e309cf664b552f46ab88.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Cliff Asness',\n role: 'Managing and Founding Principal',\n company: 'AQR Capital Management',\n about:\n 'Cliff is a Founder, Managing Principal and Chief Investment Officer at AQR Capital Management. He is an active researcher and has authored articles on a variety of financial topics for many publications, including The Journal of Portfolio Management, Financial Analysts Journal, The Journal of Finance and The Journal of Financial Economics. He has received five Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Awards from The Journal of Portfolio Management, in 2002, 2004, 2005, 2014 and 2015. Financial Analysts Journal has twice awarded him the Graham and Dodd Award for the year’s best paper, as well as a Graham and Dodd Excellence Award, the award for the best perspectives piece, and the Graham and Dodd Readers’ Choice Award. He has won the second prize of the Fama/DFA Prize for Capital Markets and Asset Pricing in the 2020 Journal of Financial Economics. In 2006, CFA Institute presented Cliff with the James R. Vertin Award, which is periodically given to individuals who have produced a body of research notable for its relevance and enduring value to investment professionals. \\n\\nPrior to co-founding AQR Capital Management, he was a Managing Director and Director of Quantitative Research for the Asset Management Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. He is on the editorial board of The Journal of Portfolio Management, the governing board of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Finance at NYU, the board of directors of the Q-Group, the board of the International Rescue Committee, the board of trustees of The National WWII Museum and the board of trustees at the New-York Historical Society.\\n\\nCliff received a B.S. in economics from the Wharton School and a B.S. in engineering from the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating summa cum laude in both. He received an M.B.A. with high honors and a Ph.D. in finance from the University of Chicago, where he was Eugene Fama’s student and teaching assistant for two years (so he still feels guilty when trying to beat the market).',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/752b7631e6804bbd9328d156b1487224!_!aaa70279ccac8a4b445444e6cacb211e.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 14:20',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 14:50',\n\n header: 'The Real Financial Planning Lifecycle',\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Financial Planning Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Financial advisors are often taught to think of clients’ financial lives in terms of the standard ‘Financial Life Cycle’ graph, which shows a simple path from accumulation through disbursement and legacy as a function of time. This stylized version of life ignores the realities of many households: School loans force many households to start out in the deep red, and setbacks along the way can change the picture entirely. This talk will introduce the Financial Life Modes model, which describes the many conditions households may face throughout their financial lives: Chaos, Survival, Stability, Early Accumulation, Accelerated Accumulation, Disbursement, and Legacy. Each stage is characterized not by the age of the client but by the ratio of debt to assets. A person may start life in any one of the seven modes, and people do not necessarily move rightward as a function of time but instead as they master the skills and behaviors most relevant to each mode. The Financial Life Modes model empowers advisors to coach clients on the specific habits of mind and behavior that will help them master their current financial mode, naturally leading them to the next stage on their journey to wealth.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Sarah Newcomb',\n role: 'Director of Behavioral Science',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n 'Sarah Newcomb is a director of behavioral science at Morningstar where she works to incorporate the findings of academic research into tools that help people make better long-term financial decisions. Her work on the psychology of money management has earned mentions in the NYT, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and other notable media outlets. She is a regular contributor for Morningstar, InvestmentNews, and PsychologyToday, and author of Loaded: Money, psychology, and how to get ahead without leaving your values behind.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a3e610240f334d23b18cbc08716b9d20!_!a87cb75ff71c12d6702f0d7eccd15047.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 15:30',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 16:25',\n\n header: 'A Conversation With Jenny Johnson',\n subheader: 'Keynote',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Franklin Templeton is working to emerge from a difficult stretch in which the firm’s funds have endured multiple years of outflows. Leading the way is CEO Jenny Johnson, who is seeking to revolutionize the firm’s fund lineup, culture, and operations. We’ll learn how investor trends like passive investing and crypto have shaped the firm’s revived strategy and what Johnson expects the firm to look like when her plans come to fruition.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Sarah Bush',\n role: 'North American Manager Research Practice Leader',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Sarah Bush is the North American manager research practice leader for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. She directs the firm’s manager research analyst team in North America. \\n\\nBefore assuming her current role in 2019, Bush was director of manager research for fixed-income strategies, North America. Bush rejoined the firm in 2011 as a senior manager research analyst for fixed-income. Prior to that, Bush served from 2006 to 2010 as director of development and then director of investor programs for IFF, a community development financial institution that provides loans and real estate consulting to nonprofits serving low-income communities in the Midwest. Previously, she spent four years at Prudential Capital Group, an investment arm of Prudential Financial, where she researched, recommended, and negotiated private placement debt investments. Bush originally joined Morningstar in 1997 as a mutual fund analyst. \\n\\nBush holds a bachelor’s degree in history and mathematics from the University of Wisconsin, where she graduated as a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and a master’s degree in business administration, with concentrations in finance, economics, and international business, from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a664359d7177488f9c3de57cf12c9d2d!_!55198d28b11e1b6f994bec375edefd37.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Jenny Johnson',\n role: 'President and CEO',\n company: 'Franklin Templeton',\n about:\n \"Jenny Johnson is President and Chief Executive Officer of Franklin Templeton. In a career at Franklin Templeton spanning over 30 years, she has been a key driver in the company's transformation to what is now one of the most respected global firms focused on investment management, technology, innovation, diversity and corporate and social responsibility.\\n\\nMs. Johnson joined the firm in 1988 and held leadership roles in all major divisions of the business, including investment management, distribution, technology, operations, and high-net-worth, before becoming CEO in February 2020. She led the historic acquisition of Legg Mason in 2020, with the combined organization managing over $1.5 trillion in assets globally.\\n\\nMs. Johnson was named to Barron's list of the 100 Most Influential Women in U.S. Finance for three consecutive years beginning in 2020, and was named 2021 Woman of the Year by Financial Women of San Francisco. She has been named one of Money Management Executive's Top Women in Asset Management and was chosen by her peers as one of Ignites' Most Influential Women in Fund Management. Ms. Johnson is a frequent speaker at industry events, most notably on the topics of leadership, financial industry developments, diversity & inclusion, and innovation.\\n\\nMs. Johnson personally champions diversity and inclusion and is involved in a number of organizations that prioritize D&I. She is a member of the NYSE Board Advisory Council, which identifies and connects diverse board candidates to NYSE-listed companies seeking new directors, and serves on the advisory board of Black Capital, an early-stage fund focused on investing in black and other underrepresented founders. She is a member of the board of directors of Catalyst, a global nonprofit dedicated to accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion. She is a member of the advisory board of The Creative Coalition, a social and public advocacy organization of the arts and entertainment community. \\n\\nAdditionally, Ms. Johnson is a board member of the JMT Wilderness Conservancy and the Carolands Foundation. Previously, Ms. Johnson has served on various other boards, including the Lucille Packard Children's Hospital and the San Francisco Giants. \\n\\nMs. Johnson earned her B.A. in economics from the University of California at Davis.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/a531fd1cc2ec4b7ab1c1ed348a0510a4!_!67f95748be4f65f13ec05aded96bbc52.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/17 16:45',\n endTime: '2022/5/17 17:35',\n\n header: 'Geopolitical Order Disrupted: A Conversation with Mike McFaul',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'There was a lot of public discourse about the fragility of our economy and society in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic. But when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, a forgotten source of uncertainty was revived: geopolitical conflict. Michael McFaul was U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation during the Obama administration and is an expert not only on U.S.-Russia relations but also the emerging world order that includes China. In this session, we’ll learn how we can expect geopolitics to evolve over the coming months, years, and decades in light of recent events.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Michael McFaul',\n role: 'US Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2012-2014); Stanford Professor & Hoover Institution Fellow',\n company: '',\n about:\n \"Michael A. McFaul served as Ambassador of the United States of America to the Russian Federation from January, 2012, to February, 2014. Prior to becoming Ambassador, he served for three years as the special assistant to the President and senior director for Russia and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council.\\n\\nMcFaul is a professor of political science and a Hoover fellow at Stanford University. He is also director and senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI). \\n\\nHe is the author and editor of several monographs including, Advancing Democracy Abroad: Why We Should and How We Can (2009); with Valerie Bunce and Katheryn Stoner-Weiss, eds., Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World (2009); with Anders Aslund, eds., Revolution in Orange: The Origins of Ukraine's Democratic Breakthrough (2006); with Nikolai Petrov and Andrei Ryabov, Between Dictatorship and Democracy: Russian Postcommunist Political Reform (2004); with James Goldgeier, Power and Purpose: American Policy toward Russia after the Cold War (2003); and Russia’s Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin (2001). Most recently, he wrote From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia (2018), a \\uFEFFNew York Times best-selling inside account of U.S.-Russia relations from 1989 to the present.\\n\\nMcFaul was born and raised in Montana. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations and Slavic Languages and his Master of Arts degree in Soviet and East European Studies from Stanford University in 1986. He was awarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford where he completed his Doctor of Philosophy degree in International Relations in 1991.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/535ffd65664d4a288b7613a1d765be37!_!37d9aad98adea3663930e5f45397d0ad.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n date: '2022/5/18',\n entries: [\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/18 09:10',\n endTime: '2022/5/18 10:00',\n\n header: 'Where in the World are Equity Opportunities?',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'International stocks have languished relative to their U.S. counterparts for several years running. Yet non-U.S. equities remain a key ingredient to portfolio diversification. In this session, we’ll hear how two managers with distinctive approaches—one value-leaning, one growth-oriented—have navigated the changing global landscape.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Sarah Ketterer',\n role: 'CEO',\n company: 'Causeway Capital Management LLC',\n about:\n 'Ms. Ketterer is the chief executive officer at Causeway, fundamental portfolio manager, and is responsible for investment research across all sectors. Ms. Ketterer co-founded the firm in June 2001 and is a member of the operating committee. \\n\\nFrom 1996 to 2001, Ms. Ketterer worked for the Hotchkis & Wiley division of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (HW-MLIM). At HW-MLIM, she was a managing director and co-head of the firm’s HW-MLIM International and Global Value team. From 1990 to 1996, Ms. Ketterer was a portfolio manager at Hotchkis & Wiley, where she founded the International Equity product.\\n\\nMs. Ketterer earned a BA in economics and political science from Stanford University and an MBA from the Tuck School, Dartmouth College. Ms. Ketterer serves on the Stanford University Board of Trustees and the Girls Who Invest President’s Council and is on the advisory board of Portal Schools. She previously served as a board member and chair of the Los Angeles World Affairs Council and Town Hall and chair of the investment committee of the Music Center Foundation.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/143d7f57ffc045fb8c6d2f65ba37e0cd!_!e29baeccadc5321f6778aecfc97313fa.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Sammy Simnegar',\n role: 'Portfolio Manager',\n company: 'Fidelity Investments',\n about:\n 'Sammy Simnegar is a portfolio manager in the Equity division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading \\nprovider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and \\nother financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals.\\n\\nIn this role, Mr. Simnegar is responsible for managing Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation \\nFund, Fidelity VIP International Capital Appreciation Portfolio, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund,\\nFidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation SMA, Fidelity Magellan Fund, Fidelity Magellan Commingled Pool,\\nand Fidelity Magellan ETF.\\n\\nPrior to assuming his current position, Mr. Simnegar managed Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund \\nand Fidelity VIP Emerging Markets Portfolio, and co-managed Fidelity and Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity \\nFund. Additionally, Mr. Simnegar was an equity analyst at Fidelity, focusing on emerging-market energy, materials, \\nand industrials; U.S. regional banks; and real estate, hotels, and emerging telecom.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/015e9dd6b041483b9f669c21ff5a62dc!_!c4ac5f91e4d2bfe83041fbc2d31bead0.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Katie Reichart',\n role: 'Director, Equity Strategies',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n \"Katie Rushkewicz Reichart, CFA, is director of equity strategies for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. She oversees Morningstar's U.S.-based equity strategies team and is a voting member of the Morningstar Analyst Ratings Committee for U.S. and international equity strategies. Reichart previously served as the lead analyst for prominent fund companies such as T. Rowe Price and Fidelity.\\n\\nBefore joining the Manager Research team in 2008, Reichart worked in data and client services as a member of the Morningstar Development Program. She joined Morningstar in 2006.\\n\\nReichart holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and business institutions from Northwestern University, where she graduated summa cum laude and as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/cc4870c03c664698808e9fb272e4a9a8!_!622cb89bd1efc34fd1ffc2855b6c8f90.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/18 10:10',\n endTime: '2022/5/18 11:00',\n\n header: 'The State of Retirement Income',\n subheader: 'General Session',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'Retirement income has been a hot topic among advisors for well over a decade. Life expectancies, the performance of the stock market, changing attitudes about retirement, and interest rates have conspired to make income a constant source of uncertainty in designing drawdown strategies for clients. In this session, we bring together experts from within and beyond Morningstar and will discuss the latest research, with a particular emphasis on safe withdrawal rates.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Jeffrey Ptak',\n role: 'Chief Ratings Officer',\n company: 'Morningstar Research Services LLC',\n about:\n 'Jeffrey Ptak, CFA, is chief ratings officer for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc.\\n\\nBefore assuming his current role, Ptak was head of global manager research. Previously, he was president and chief investment officer of Morningstar Investment Services, Inc., an investment unit that provides managed portfolio services through fee-based, independent financial advisors, for six years. Ptak joined Morningstar in 2002 as a senior mutual fund analyst and has also served as director of exchange-traded fund analysis, editor of Morningstar ETFInvestor, and an equity analyst. He briefly left Morningstar to become an investment products analyst for William Blair & Company, and earlier in his career, he was a manager for Arthur Andersen.\\n\\nPtak holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Wisconsin and the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/b3c5e94fb65c44ac8e5faa54aff6bd9e!_!ac91e2ab8a1dbafb6c9e0ca7f4d006a3.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Christine Benz',\n role: 'Director of Personal Finance and Retirement Planning',\n company: 'Morningstar',\n about:\n \"Christine Benz is director of personal finance and retirement planning for Morningstar and senior columnist for Morningstar.com. In that role, she focuses on retirement and portfolio planning for individual investors. She also co-hosts a podcast for Morningstar, The Long View, which features in-depth interviews with thought leaders in investing and personal finance. She is a frequent public speaker and is widely quoted in the media, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, CNBC, and PBS. In 2020, Barron’s named her to its inaugural list of the 100 most influential women in finance; she appeared on the 2021 list as well. In 2021, Barron’s named her as one of the 10 most influential women in wealth management. \\n\\nBenz is author of 30-Minute Money Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Your Finances (Wiley, 2010). She is also co-author of Morningstar® Guide to Mutual Funds: 5-Star Strategies for Success, a national bestseller published in 2003, and author of the book’s second edition, which was published in 2005. Before assuming her current role in 2008, she served as Morningstar's director of mutual fund analysis and was editor of Morningstar Mutual Funds and Morningstar FundInvestor. \\n\\nBenz holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and Russian/East European studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is a board member of the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy. Benz is also a member of The Alpha Group, a group of thought leaders from the wealth management industry from across the country. In her free time, she works with underprivileged women to improve their understanding of personal finance concepts.\",\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/e424c7213f7b4fd99a61059e5a064a8b!_!f271360dc8bd9d261a29457fca7ed2b9.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'David Blanchett',\n role: 'Managing Director, Head of Retirement Research',\n company: 'PGIM DC Solutions',\n about:\n 'David Blanchett, PhD, CFA, CFP®, is Managing Director and Head of Retirement Research for PGIM DC Solutions. PGIM is the global investment management business of Prudential Financial, Inc. In this role he develops research and innovative solutions to help improve retirement outcomes for investors with a focus on defined contribution plans. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of Wealth Management at The American College of Financial Services and Research Fellow for the Alliance for Lifetime Income.\\n\\nDavid has published over 100 papers in a variety of industry and academic journals that have received awards from the CFP Board, the Financial Analysts Journal, the Journal of Financial Planning, and the International Centre for Pension Management. In 2014 InvestmentNews included him in their inaugural 40 under 40 list as a “visionary” for the financial planning industry and in 2021 ThinkAdvisor included him in the IA25+. When David isn’t working, he’s probably out for a jog, playing with his four kids, or rooting for the Kentucky Wildcats.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/31693a3a84284bc2a80c632ea0afc53d!_!5bc582eab44693d6d9e4082d78a2c821.png?f=png',\n },\n {\n name: 'Karsten Jeske',\n role: 'Founder',\n company: 'Early Retirement Now',\n about:\n 'Karsten retired in 2018 at the age of 44 after a long career in academia, government, and Corporate America. He previously taught economics at Emory University in Atlanta and worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Bank of New York Mellon Asset Management in San Francisco. He uses his new-found time to travel with his wife and daughter and write for his blog Early Retirement Now on all topics related to finance and especially the financial challenges of early retirement withdrawal strategies. Karsten has an undergraduate degree in Business from the Universität Bielefeld in Germany, a Master’s and Doctorate in economics from the University of Minnesota. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) designation.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/4b92eb8fe139420bb9fd6233cf0b4636!_!e4ae30620d20763b5e2c60b2f910b134.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n timeZone: 'CDT',\n startTime: '2022/5/18 11:40',\n endTime: '2022/5/18 12:30',\n\n header: 'New Rules for Inherited Retirement Accounts',\n subheader: 'Super Breakout: Financial Planning Track',\n imageLink: '',\n joinSpaceLink: '8ea7b974-eeaa-46bd-8fa5-8bb41377ef78',\n desText:\n 'The SECURE Act changed the way retirement accounts are funded, distributed, and passed to the next generation. This session will break down these new rules, in particular the 10-year rule for inherited accounts and the latest IRS guidance here, as well planning strategies to mitigate their impact.',\n\n speakers: [\n {\n name: 'Tim Steffen',\n role: 'Director of Tax Planning',\n company: 'Robert W. Baird & Co.',\n about:\n 'As Director of Tax Planning for Baird, Tim is responsible for researching, writing and speaking on important tax issues that impact the clients of Baird. This includes topics related to retirement planning, executive compensation, business owners, legislative changes, and overall best practices.\\n\\nTim originally joined Baird in 1999 serving in a variety of planning-oriented roles, most recently as the Director of Advanced Planning. He left Baird in 2019 to join the Advisor Education team at PIMCO, before returning to Baird in 2021. Prior to 1999, Tim worked in Arthur Andersen’s Private Client Services group in Milwaukee where he specialized in tax and financial planning. His clients included corporate executives, business owners and families.',\n imageLink:\n 'https://images.cvent.com/5281cb9e315a49249aa1acc04324d139/files/event/6eb0c58305c848368e7f2e49c2783aa7/3be0c6e116cd4dd2acd45790bf65136d!_!ee790b60600d43f40d4a2c4ac3d9770c.png?f=png',\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n}\n","\n \n \n \n mdi-chevron-left \n